Red Wine Carpet Stain Removal Tips

red wine spill on carpetingTo remove red wine from your carpeting, follow this simple step-by-step cleaning guide.

  1. Mix peroxide & vinegar in a spray bottle (50/50 mix). Remember to only mix in the peroxide when needed because it’s very light sensitive & it will lose it’s cleaning properties!

  2. Spray the combined mixture on the stain and blot with a towel.

  3. Place a dry towel on stain and then put a 25 – 35 pound weight on top of the towel. Leave this on top of the stain for at least 45 minutes.Remember not to use any black casted dumbbell weights! As the peroxide will eat away at the black casted coloring and further damage your carpeting.

  4. After 45 minutes, remove the weight and towel and your red wine carpet stain should be gone. If not, call us at 586-556-3839 and we will stop by and further inspect and/or clean your stained carpeting.
** You CANNOT USE this carpet cleaning remedy if you have wool carpeting! This tip will ONLY work on synthetic carpeting. **

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